"If you've a place for me here, Lord, It needn't be so grand. I never expected or had too much, but if you don't... I'll understand."

The Final Inspection by Unknown

"If you've a place for me here, Lord, It needn't be so grand. I never expected or had too much, but if you don't... I'll understand."

The Final Inspection by Unknown



The METHANE model is an established reporting framework which provides a common structure for responders and their control rooms to share incident information.

Decide whether the situation should be declared a major incident. It may be a Major Incident for your service but not others.

If no, continue complete an “ETHANE” message but regularly review the situation in case the incident escalates and becomes a Major Incident at a later stage.

Be as accurate as possible, use street names, landmarks, building numbers and post codes. You may also consider using GPS coordinates, latitude and longitude or what3words where these are accepted and understood by your organisation.

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Define the exact nature of the incident, for example, road traffic collision, explosion or building collapse.

Include the hazards that are known to be present or suspected, and those that could potentially arise.

Describe the routes that are safe to use and provide access to the incident. This should also include access to any relevant Rendezvous Point (RvP). In the case of a Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) incident, it may also include areas to avoid. Consider egress routes as some organisations will come and go from the incident such as the ambulance service transporting casualties.

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Determine the number of casualties and if possible the level and severity of injuries.

Ten Second Triage

Which, and how many, emergency responder agencies are required or are already on-scene?

Required Present
Required Present
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Required Present
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Required Present